Star Trek Kartičky

Vesmírná Dilemata














A Pleasant Surprise 4 C 002
Aggressive Behavior 1 R 002
Alien Abduction 1 C 003
Alluring Spy 4 C 004
B'omar Stipulations 4 C 005
Command Decisions 1 S 017
Confined to Quarters 3 C 004
Console Overload 1 C 018
Crippling Attack 2 U 003
Debris Field 1 C 022
Dedication to Duty 2 C 004
Disgraceful Assault 2 C 005
Disruptor Accident 2 C 006
Don't Let It End This Way 3 C 008
Drumhead 1 R 023
Enemy Boarding Party 1 R 024
Explosive Decompression 1 R 026
Face to Face 2 R 009
Gomtuu Shock Wave 3 R 012
Gravimetric Distortion 1 R 027
Graviton Ellipse 1 R 028
Graviton Wave 3 C 013
Invidium Leak 1 C 031
Maglock 1 R 035
Magnetic Field Disruptions 1 C 036
Meaningless Modifications 7 C 007
Molecular Reversion Field 7 R 008
Nanite Attack 1 R 039
Nausicaan Pirates 2 C 016
Outclassed 8 R 013
Parallels 8 R 014
Personal Duty 1 R 042
Quantum Filament 3 R 022
Shields Up! 9 R 002
Sheer Lunacy 3 C 027
Shipboard Fire 6 P 009
Short Circuit 4 U 023
Small Problems 7 C 013
Stolen Computer Core 2 U 022
Subspace Accident 2 C 023
Systems Diagnostic 1 C 052
Tactical Disadvantage 8 R 016
The Three Vipers 6 P 010
Training Accident 2 R 026
Tsiolkovsky Infection 4 R 028
Vastly Outnumbered 1 U 059
Warp Bubble Mishap 8 C 019
Wavefront 1 C 060
Where No One Has Gone Before 7 R 015